Blue Hand Badge
Create 3 challenges in the challenge chamber is for my blue hand badge
Harry potter trivia: where the admins post the questions in a limited time challenge, and the person who has answered the most trivia gets the extra points, but they have to be the first one to answer
HE scavenger hunt
The admins hide stuff around the site, with some easy and some super hard, and the person that finds the most of them gets extra points
Another way to do this is to post a list of things to find and the winner is the one who finds the most or all of the objects
Wand challenge
You must come up with three uncommon spells from the hp world and explain what they are and role play using them on yourself
* Create 3 classes of your choice, remembering to give the relevent professors the answers and to let them know why you are doing it (for professors you must do 3 other classes to your own)
I do not know who to send this to, so please advise me
Blue hand badge assignments
The history of poppy pompfrey
Write a 500 word minimum essay on the history of poppy pompfrey and how and/or why she became a healer. No maximum word count. Cite your sources or 50 poins will be taken off. This class is worth 100 points, plus an extra 25 for the best essay, so work hard!
Healing potion/spell of the week 2
I was used in 1996 to heal a split lip
I heal relatively minor injuries
I was used by an auror who hates their given name
Greek god of the week 1
I was one of the original Greek gods
I helped destroy my father
My power is in a lightning bolt
* Help organise your house spirit week
Badges: each hufflepuff that completes a badge gets an extra 5 points per badge
Challenges: each hufflepuff that finishes or comes up with a new challenge gets 5 extra points
Games: Harry potter trivia (hufflepuff edition)
Scavenger hunt
Wand game where you guess what wand another person has
Numbers is where your head of house picks a number between 1 and 1000 and the first person to get it right wins 5 points, but you may not post consecutivally unless it has been a day with no other response.
* Come up with 2 games for your house game subforum and post them
Harry potter trivia
You have one person ask questions about the books and/or the movies and whomever gets the answer right gets a point, the person to answer first gets 2 points. All answers must be either placed in hide tags or pm'd to the asker of the questions
Scavenger hunt
The head of house posts a list of things to find and take pictures of and everyone has a time limit to find them. The winner is the one who uploaded the most pictures,